Instruments we used
In Tokai satellite campus of Ibaraki Univ., there are many experimetal instruments.
Though most of these are not our own instruments, we can often use such instruments for our investigations.
Vaccuum type Glove Box (Ibaraki Univ)
Many of samples for our investigations are easily oxidised by air. Thus, we treat such samples in Ar of He atmosphere in this glove box.
X-ray Laue Camera for single crystalline samples
(Prof. Kuwahara of Ibaraki Univ.)
This is owned by Prof. Kuwahara of Faculty of Science, which is effective to determine the direction of crystallographycal axes of single crystalline samples. This is quite imporatant for preparations of neutron experiments.
Four Circle X-ray diffractometer for syngle crystalline samples
(Prof. Iwasa of Ibaraki Univ.)
This is owned by Prof. Iwasa of Frontier Center of Ubaraki Univ. This four-circle diffractometer is important for observations of structural phase transistions in lower teperatures than room temprature.
X-ray fluorescence spectrometer(Ibaraki Univ.)
This is a X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for composition analysis, which is quite important for sample preparation.
High performance Electronmicroscope(Ibaraki Univ.)
Electron Microscope, which was newly installed in 2017.
Magnetometer MPMS(CROSS)
SQUID type magnetometer, which can measure magnetisation of materials with high accuracy. This is owned by CROSS. We use this for observations of magnetic transitions. |
X-ray powder diffractometer(Ibaraki Univ.)
This is the most common instruments to determin atomic structures in materiasl. Low temperature experiments down to 120K are feasible. Thus, structural phase transitions at lower temperatures can be observed, which are important for investigations of strongly correlated electorons systems. |
J-PARC Neutron Powder Diffractometer iMATERIAL(Ibaraki Univ. and Ibaraki Prefecture)
This is a neutron diffractometer for application materials, which is operated by Ibaraki Univ. This diffractometer is also used for lectures of Ibaraki university. This diffractometer has an advantages to determine atomic and magnetic structures of functional materials.
In out Lab., we use this diffractometer for magnetic structures refinemtnes.

A J-PARC Instruments called NOBOR at BL10. This is originaly a test port for developments of novel techniques using pulsed neutrons.
We are using this beamline for development of neutron holography
. This is the most important instruments for us.


Synchrotron Radiation X-ray facility
We have experiments in synchrotron radiation facilities, SPring-8, and Photon FActory for local atomic structres investigations.
