[接続詞][副詞][前置詞][動詞] [類義語][冠詞][時制][関係代名詞][分詞構文][比較][否定][典型文][文章][英文校閲][参考書]
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校閲前 A small moment on the site to be near perpendicular to the field has a disadvantageous direction to the field, which is realised through the strong AFM interactions

  後 A small moment on the site that is almost perpendicular to the field has a disadvantageous direction, that is realised through the strong AFM interactions
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校閲前 This magnetic structure model explains the magnetisation process well

  後 This magnetic structure models well explains the magnetisation process.
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校閲前 The unit cell is a*a*4c in phase II.

  後 The unit cell has dimensions of a*a*4c in phase II.
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校閲前 , in order to clarify magnetic structures of field-induced phases.

  後 , in order to elucidate the magnetic structures of field-induced phases.
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clarifyは、意味をはっきりさせる、という方に重心があるらしい。そのせいか、clarify the roles of the interactionsはなおされていなかった。

校閲前 The purpose of this study is to measure the profile of the magnetic diffuse scattering in 3D reciprocal space by SXD in ISIS.

  後 The purpose of this study is to measure the profile of the magnetic diffuse scattering in 3D reciprocal space on SXD in ISIS.


校閲前 (Discussionのsectionの冒頭で)
Let us discuss the origin of the magnetic diffuse scattering.

  後 In this section, we discuss the origin of the magnetic diffuse scattering.
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校閲前 From the fitting procedures in Fig.~4, the half width of each Lorentzian function was estimated to be 0.038(8) r.l.u. for the broad peaks

  後 Based on the fitting procedures in Fig.~4, the half width of each Lorentzian function was estimated to be (i) 0.038(8) r.l.u. for the broad peaks
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校閲前 Detailed neutron diffraction measurements on a single crystalline sample of ErB2C2 were performed.

  後 Detailed neutron diffraction measurements were performed on a single crystalline sample of ErB2C2.
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校閲前 the sharp satellite peaks which are due to the long-periodic magnetic ordering were observed.

  後 (なし) sharp satellite peaks caused by the long-periodic magnetic ordering were observed.
(corrected by ASL)

due toでなくてcaused byか。別のところではresulting fromとなおっているところも。which節もなくなっているな。でも、サテライトピークはこれより前になんどか出てきていたのでtheにしたんだけど。

校閲前 The scan direction in the reciprocal space is shown above the figures with the arrow.

  後 The scan direction in the reciprocal space is indicated above the figures with an arrow.
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矢印でスキャン方向を書いた図をつけてある。図にある矢印だからthe arrowでいいかとおもったんだけど。でも、この校閲者別なところではthe をつけていたから、どっちでもいいのかもしれない。

校閲前 In this paper, we report results of detailed neutron diffraction experiments for the rare earth compound ErB2C2, and discuss anomalous magnetic diffuse scattering which is also observed in TbB2C2

  後 In this paper, we report the results of detailed neutron diffraction experiments on the rare earth compound ErB2C2 and discuss the anomalous magnetic diffuse scattering that is also observed in TbB2C2
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校閲前 We performed neutron powder diffraction experiments of the lithium imide Li2NH,

  後 We performed neutron powder diffraction experiments on lithium imide Li2NH,
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校閲前 we report results of crystal structure refinement of the lithium imide material Li2NH using neutron powder diffraction technique

  後 we report the results of crystal structure refinement of the lithium imide material Li2NH using the neutron powder diffraction technique
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実験の全ての結果を報告するわけではないから「無冠詞 results」にしたのだけれど、theになおされた。

校閲前 (ある物質の結晶構造の説明をして)
The structure looks, however, strange, because~

  後 However, its structure appears to be peculiar because~
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its structureとthe structureの違いはよくわからない。もの自身に重点を置く、という事か。また、文中のbecauseの前にはこんまはつかないそうな。この校閲者、詳しく説明してくれました。

校閲前 because it has different characters from the lithium amide Li2NH

  後 because its characteristics differ from lithium amide Li2NH
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別なところのit is different fromは直されてないので、hasを使ったのが悪いのかもしれない。
「lithium amide 物質」は無冠詞、でも「the lithium amide material 物質」.

校閲前 We expected, thus, that the crystal structure model of Li2NH in Fig.1 is not correct;

  後 Thus, we expected the crystal structure model of Li2NH in Fig.1 to be incorrect,
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校閲前 We confirmed that no structure model with these symmetries represent the data in Fig.2,

  後 we confirmed that no structure model with these symmetries represented the data in Fig.2,
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校閲前 Thus, either Model I or II in Fig.4 is the correct model,

  後 Thus, either Model I or II in Fig.4 can be considered to be the correct model,
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校閲前 (2つのモデルを実験的に区別できない、と説明して、その理由として)
these give nearly the same agreement with the data

  後 these exhibit nearly the same agreement between the data
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estimations of performance of 3He cells using lower PHe will give reasonable results

  後 estimations of performance of 3He cells using lower PHe value can provide reasonable results

校閲前 (2つのモデルを図で示して)
Comparing the two models in Fig.4, we have concluded that~

  後 By comparing the two models in Fig.4, we have concluded that~

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comparingは分詞構文のつもりで書いたのだけど、だめらしい。どこかで、By comparing〜の意味をもつ分詞構文だってよんだ気がしたんだけれど。

校閲前 Note that the occupancy of the hydrogen site is about 80%.

  後 It is notable that the occupancy of the hydrogen site is approximately 80%.
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意味は同じはず。「Note that」の方が短くて好ましい、と教わった事があるのでこうしたんだけど、直された。別な校閲者には、it must be notedとなおされた。

校閲前 The anomalous diffuse scattering exists in the small region in the reciprocal space surrounded by satellite peaks

  後 The anomalous diffuse scattering exists in a small region in the reciprocal space surrounded by satellite peaks


校閲前 but no AFQ ordering under zero magnetic field was found so far.

  後 but no AFQ ordering under zero magnetic field has been found so far.

今現在まだみつかってない事をいっているのだから現在完了、って事か。so farと過去の組み合わせはおかしいかったかも。時制はわからない。校閲がいちばん必要なこと。

校閲前 as an appendant component of a much dominant k=(1,0,1/2) type AFM structure with a small k=(0,0,1/2) component

  後 as an appendant component of a very dominant k=(1,0,1/2) type AFM structure with a small k=(0,0,1/2) component

muchとveryの違いをまだ理解していなかった。形容詞を修飾するのはvery。でもvery dominantは、なんかひっかかる音だ。

校閲前 3つの物質での磁気的な周期性が接近している、という説明の後、
The nearly the same periodicity probably indicates that the long periodicity is base on some common characters in RB$_2$C$_2$ system.

  後 The close similarity periodicities probably indicates that the long periodicity is base on some common characters in RB$_2$C$_2$ system.


校閲前 it is important to compare the long periodic states with each other to understand characteristics in RB$_2$C$_2$.

  後 it is important to compare the long periodic states with each other to understand characteristics of RB$_2$C$_2$.


校閲前 The profile of the magnetic diffuse scattering can not be understood by magnetic short range correlation or critical phenomena around $T_{\rm N}$.

  後 The profile of the magnetic diffuse scattering can not be understood in terms of magnetic short range correlation or critical phenomena around $T_{\rm N}$.

なんかの本で、byとin terms of は可換で短いからbyの方がいい、と読んだのだけれど。いずれにしても、byが間違いとは思えないな。

校閲前 comparing **** is important to understand roles of AFQ interactions for the anomaly.

  後 comparing **** is important for understanding roles of AFQ interactions in the anomaly.

校閲前 The single crystalline sample was mounted at the cold head of a closed cycle He-gas refrigerator as the $c$-plane to be horizontal.

  後 The single crystalline sample was mounted at the cold head of a closed cycle He-gas refrigerator with the $c$-plane horizontal.


校閲前 Figure 2 shows a contour map of intensity of the magnetic scattering in ErB$_2$C$_2$

  後 Figure 2 shows a contour map of the intensity of the magnetic scattering in ErB$_2$C$_2$


校閲前 the authors conclude that characteristics found in the long periodic magnetic states in HoB$_2$, TbB$_2$C$_2$ and ErB$_2$C$_2$ are based on a common property in the RB$_2$C$_2$

  後 the authors conclude that characteristics found for the long periodic magnetic states in HoB$_2$, TbB$_2$C$_2$ and ErB$_2$C$_2$ are based on a common property in the RB$_2$C$_2$


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