比較しろ! |
Present fears Are less than horrible imaginings: 現に目の前にある恐怖も、スコットランド王位への野望を胸に秘めたマクベス。自分の城にダンカン王が宿泊した晩に暗殺を決心するものの、実行の直前になって主君殺しの罪の重さを思い恐れおののき、決心が揺らぐ。 悪党マクベスは、作品全体に渡って、みずからの想像力が作り出す恐怖の幻影におびえつづける事になる。 |
注意:比較するものを正しく並べる。 |
「DyB2C2の転移温度は、HoB2C2より高い。」と書きたいとき: 間違い:The transition temperature of DyB2C2 is higher than HoB2C2. Transition temperature(転移温度)とHoB2C2(化合物の名前)は比較できない。 正しい:The transition temperature of DyB2C2 is higher than that of HoB2C2. that = the transition temperature。複数の比較ならthose |
大小 |
The obtained value in the present work is larger than that in ref.2. thanは接続詞らしい。(どうでもいいが。) The population of The Principality of Liechtenstein is smaller than spectator numbers of games of Pacific League in Tokyo-Dome. |
予想より大きい 時 |
The value is larger than (that is) expected from the magnetisation measurements. than is expectedもあり。 All successful employers are stalking men who will do the unusual, men who think, men who attract attention by performing more than is expected of them. Flow of Yukon River in Canada was faster than expected. |
程度 |
The Ce compound is more active in the air than in He gas. The Ce compound is less stable in the air than in He gas. The Ce compound is not so stable in the air as in He gas. The anisotropy is obvious at T=10K than at T=20K. anisotropy(異方性):物質の性質、性能が方向によって異なる事 10K=摂氏マイナス263度 Fulka in Switzerland is more horrable to dirve than Nakayama-toge, isn't it? |
差を数値で表現 |
The magnetic moment is approximately 1muB larger than that in ref.2. The magnetic moment is larger than that in ref.2 by approximately 1muB. どちらも同じだが前者が多いようだ。 Mauntains in Tirol are even 2 kilometer higher than the highest one in Hokkaido. |
倍数 |
The transition temperature of the compound is nearly ten times higher than those of other materials. (compound:化合物。この場合は実験対象の物質の事) The transition temperature of the compound is nearly ten times as high as those of other materials. The compound has nearly ten times the transition temperature of Sample B. 最初の例「ten times higher 」は正確な比を示すには不向き。11倍という読み方もあるから。上のようなオーダーとしての比較ならいいらしい。 The saturation magnetisation decreases by a factor of 2.6 when a magnetic field of 10T is applied. (10T:Tは磁場(magnetic field)の単位でテスラ) Duration for one run on HERMES is an order of magnitude shorter than that on ex-KPD. (この場合、HERMESとKPDは装置の名前) The magnetic unit cell is two times larger in the a-axis than the crystallographic unit cell. 「磁気ユニットセルは、結晶ユニットセルよりも、a軸方向に2倍大きい。」 "Careful with fire" is good advice we know. |
小さい場合 |
The magnetic moment in Phase IV is one-third that in the ground state. The magnetic moment in Phase IV is ten times less than that in the ground state. |
than以外 |
The transition temperature in Sample A is very high compared with those in other materials. Compared with the transition temperatures in other materials, the transition temperature in the compound is very high. compared withは比較、compared toはたとえ。 The transition temperature in the compound is very high relative to those in other materials. Your true value depends entirely on what you are compared with. In comparison with the transition temperatures in other materials, the transition temperature in the compound is very high. 「英語論文の書き方」(市原エリザベス)第7章によれば、この文形は使う必要がなく、thanを使った比較形の方がいいとか。理由は無駄に長いから。 |
同じ、同程度 |
The sample of the present work is the same as that in the previous paper. The method of the present work is similar to that in the previous paper. Sample A and Sample B have nearly identical properties. The lattice constants at T=2K and 20K are equivalent within experimental error. (lattice constant:格子定数。結晶構造の基本的長さ。Tは絶対温度で、単位はK(ケルビン)) Doctors are the same as lawyers; the only difference is that lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you and kill you too. 注意:the twoとbothはちがうBoth compounds are grown by the same method.Both compounds are metallic. The two compounds are grown by different methods. The two compounds have quite similar phase diagrams. The two compounds can be distinguished by the transportation.. Let us compare the characteristics of the two compounds. Both は二つのものを同じと扱えるか、あるいは扱いたい場合につかう。比較したり違いを説明する場合は、the twoでないといけない。 The above reasoning shows that S(q,w) has a delta-function behaviour when q and w are both zero. There are two ways to slide easily through life; to believe everything or to doubt everything. Both ways save us from thinking. Finish each day before you begin the next, and interpose a solid wall of sleep between the two. This you cannot do without temperance. あんまりいい例がみつからないな。次のはちょっと微妙かな。 The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending, then having the two as close together as possible. Your manuscript is both good and original, but the part that is good is not original and the part that is original is not good. |
married with my uncle, My father's brother - but no more like my father Than I to Hercules. (母上が)伯父と結婚するとは。 父上の弟である伯父と。しかし、ひとつも父上と似てはない。 私(Hamlet)とヘラクレスとを比べる方がましだ。
Hamlet, ACT ONE, Scene 2.
1st Witch: | Lesser than Macbeth, and greater. |
2nd Witch: | Not so happy, yet much happier. |
3rd Witch: | Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none: So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo! |
「マクベスほどには偉大ではないが、マクベスよりも偉大な方」 「さほど幸福ではないが、マクベスよりもずっと幸福な方」 「自身は王ではないが、王家の父祖たる方: 故に、万歳!マクベスとバンクォー」 | |
--- Macbeth, Act ONE, Scn.3 |
; and if to live, The fewer men, the greater share of honour. もし我々が闘いで生き残る運命なら 兵が少ないほど、ひとりひとりの名誉は大いなるものになる。 (圧倒的な仏軍との戦いの前に、英国兵の数がすくないと嘆く英国武将に対するヘンリーの言葉)
Henry V, ACT 4, Scene 3.
I am more an antique Roman than a Dane: デンマーク人であるよりは、むしろ古代ローマ人でありたい。 |