at which
The Bragg peak disappears at T=25K at which the sharp anomaly was observed in temperature dependence of specfic heat.
(specfic heat:比熱)
メイン:The Bragg peak disappears at T=25K .
サブ:The sharp anonaly was observed at T=25K.--> at whichで前にくる
だから、元の関係代名詞を含む文章のat T=25K at which ~は、実は、
「 at T=25K at which(=T=25K) ~ 」
となり、atの前後はまったく同じ語(T=25K)がきています。しかし、もちろん文章はat whichの前で切れていて、前の T=25Kのもつ重要な意味を後ろの文章で説明しています。これに気づくまでにずいぶん時間がかかりました。でも、これに気づいてしまえばこの用法は簡単です。
The Bragg peak disappears at T=25K where the sharp anomaly was observed in temperature dependence of specfic heat.
Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.
--- Maria Montessori
(at which = at a task)
The larger the gap, therefore, the higher the temperature at which the gap persists -- in many case, well above the temperature at which the superconducting behaviour of the bulk material ceases.
S.R. Julian and M.R. Norman, Nature 447 (2007) 538から引用。
in which
Magnetic field was applied in the plane in which the magnetic moments lie.
Magnetic field was applied in the plane .
The magnetic moments lie in the plane.--> in which
The combination of the two basis vectors creates a so-called "umbrella structure", in which the degree of out-of-plane canting is a refinement variable.
この二つの基底ベクトルの組はいわゆるアンブレラ構造を作る。この構造では、cantingの成分がfittingのパラメーターになる。 (in which = in the unbrella structure)
A.S. Wills. Phys. Rev. B 63 (2001) 064430から引用。
非制限用法なので、意味としては文は完全に二つにわかれている。だから無理に関係代名詞をつかわなくても、そのままin the unbrella structureでもOK
a small surface could arise from some unknown physical mechanism in which the magnetic field quenches the long-range order
S.R. Julian and M.R. Norman, Nature 447 (2007) 538から引用。
La2-xBaxCuO4 is the material in which Bednorz and Muller first discovered high-transition temperature superconductivity.
La2-xBaxCuO4は、Bednorz and Mullerが初めて高温超伝導現象を発見した物質である。
J.M. Tranquada et al, Nature 429 (2004) 534から引用。
日本語だと受け身の方が自然かも。最初にみつかった物質だからただひとつに限定されるので、先行詞がthe material
Let us first consider the simplest situation in which all the nuclei in the scatterer have the same scattering length.
試料中のすべての原子核が同じ散乱長の大きさをもつ最も単純な状況をから考える。 (in which = in the situation)
"Polarisation Neutron"; W. G. Williams
The talent is the call, There is one direction in which all space is open to him.
才能というものは、天の与えた使命である。だから、全てがあなたの前に開かれている、そんな道がだれにでもひとつはあるのだ。 (in which = in one direction)
R.W. Emerson, "Spiritual Laws"
in which Piglet meets a Heffalump
Winnie-the-Pooh, Chapter 5, A.A. Milne
(which = chapter 5)
Piglet meets a Heffalump in CHAPTER FIVE.
There was mirror set in front of Alice in which she could see her reflection.
in whichの例文はなぜかいくらでもみつかる。
by which
The method by which the compound was grown was the same as that in ref.1.
(the compoundを作成した方法は、ref1の方法と同じである。)
The method was the same as that in ref.1.
The compound was grown by the method.--> by which
by which = by the method
Democracy is a process by which the people are free to choose the man who will get the blame.
--- Laurence J. Peter
which= the process
One's past is what one is. It is the only way by which people should be judged.
------Oscar Wilde
which = the way
to which
The magnetic structures to which the basis vectors correspond will now be disccused.
A.S. Wills. Phys. Rev. B 63 (2001) 064430から引用。
The magnetic structure will be disccused.
The basis vectors correspond to the magnetic structure.--> to which
which = the magnetic structure
on which
Appling magnetic filed changes the lattice constant on which the transition temperature is depend.
Appling magnetic filed changes the lattice constant.
the transition temperature is depend on the lattice constant.--> on which
which = the lattice constatnt
Courage is the ladder on which all the other virtues mount.
---- Clare Booth Luce, Reader's Digest,
It (the Constitution) is a good canvas, on which some strokes only want retouching.
----Thomas Jefferson (第3代アメリカ大統領)
which = the good canvas
and therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
John Donne